all postcodes in PH7 / CRIEFF

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH7 4AA 14 0 56.376467 -3.839823
PH7 4AB 2 0 56.376692 -3.842808
PH7 4AD 9 0 56.377746 -3.843204
PH7 4AE 3 0 56.378431 -3.84429
PH7 4AF 30 0 56.377987 -3.840932
PH7 4AG 3 0 56.377828 -3.841929
PH7 4AH 9 0 56.377864 -3.839501
PH7 4AL 12 0 56.378995 -3.842601
PH7 4AN 13 1 56.381119 -3.84604
PH7 4AP 22 0 56.373663 -3.842861
PH7 4AQ 22 0 56.365826 -3.853751
PH7 4AT 17 0 56.373645 -3.84163
PH7 4AU 25 5 56.373462 -3.842442
PH7 4AW 3 0 56.374082 -3.842477
PH7 4AX 39 10 56.373962 -3.843275
PH7 4AZ 1 1 56.373854 -3.843303
PH7 4BA 2 1 56.374719 -3.843717
PH7 4BB 6 0 56.374875 -3.842915
PH7 4BE 6 0 56.375773 -3.842947
PH7 4BH 49 2 56.375383 -3.8456